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[vdr] Re: unknwon picture type / error in data stream

Jörg Knitter wrote:
> ...
> I tried the final driver yesterday and I was not able to get this error
> again, but maybe I need some further tests, so don´t see this as a final
> statement.
> But: With this drivers, I have heavy artefacts on N-TV and VIVA 1. All
> other free german channels (at least from the autopid-channels.conf)
> made no problems. Using again the old drivers, there were no problems.
> Maybe this has to do with the PCI latency, but the last drivers I tried
> also worked with a PCI latency of 64 and AFAIK this is also the default
> value of the new drivers. Additionally I think that if there was a
> latency problem with the latest drivers more channels would be affected.
> Going to check the new introduced 'latency' parameter this evening...
> Any ideas or similar experiences with the new drivers?

No problems here with any of these channels.


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