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[vdr] slow channel switching with 1.2.2

Sorry if's a FAQ but i don't find a hint.

Upgraded from 1.0.4 to vdr-1.2.2 (linux-dvb.2003-08-01)
after a minor problem with channel.conf it runs, but:

The switching between channels lasts awfully long,
up to 7 seconds (or more?)! 
Regardless if "Ch+-" or direct number entry.
Seems to depend of the channel choosen. (Have not found
a systematic yet).

Sometimes the OSD for that channel aready disappeared
but no new image is seen. Simply a back screen. 2sec later
the image occures.

Why does the channel switching last so long?
Under 1.0.4 the switching was as fast as on an analog TV.. (almost ;-) )


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