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[vdr] Re: alternative channel switching with 1.2.2

Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> Schmidinger)  09.08.03 22:38
> Once upon a time Klaus Schmidinger shaped the electrons to say...
> >Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> >>
> >> Once uppon a time i had a patch that implements an alternate way
> >> of channel switching.
> >> Where would it be useful to start to implement?
> >>
> >> To switch to channel 12:
> >>
> >> Current way:
> >>
> >> Enter 1, nothing happen, display "1"
> >> Enter 2, nothing happen, dispaly "2"
>    Enter 2, nothing happen, display "12"
> >> wait 3seconds , nothing happen, only "12" ist displayed
> >> 5th econd, switch to channel 12 starts.
> >There must be something wrong with your system.
> It's only an example. sorry.
> Take it as "felt time" ;-)

Well, even in "felt time" there's a big difference between one
second and five seconds.

When I enter digits here, one second after entering the last digit
the channel switch starts, and the new channel is there after less
than one second (in case both channels are on the same transponder)
or after around one second in case they are on different transponders.

The only time switching to a channel takes considerably longer is
when I switch to an encrypted channel for the first time after
newly starting VDR, but that's due to the time it takes to set
up communications with the CAM.

> >The timeout for entering digits is one second (not 5)
> the one second is a little bit stressy for the "not so young"..

In menu.c:


Set it to whatever you want.

> >and channel switching is typically done in 0.5 to 1 second
> >(unless you have some heavy DiSEqC machinery).
> No diseq.
> The delay i am writing here has nothing to do with that.

Well, then you should try to find out what else it is caused by.
Five seconds for a channel switch is definitely too long.

I suggest the following:

- make absolutely sure you run "plain vanilla" VDR (no patches, no plugins)
- use the default channels.conf, so that the first four channels are
  RTL, Sat.1, Pro7 and RTL2
- switch to Sat.1
- switch to Pro7 by pressing the "Up" key
  --> how long does it take from the moment you press the key until Pro7 is stable?
- switch to RTL2 by pressing the "Up" key
  --> how long does it take from the moment you press the key until RTL2 is stable?
- switch to RTL by pressing the "1" key
  --> how long does it take from the moment you press the key until the screen goes blank?
  --> how long does it take from the moment the screen goes blank until RTL is stable?

> >> Alternate way:
> >> Enter 1. tuner will be immidiately directed to tune channel "1",
> >> display 1 Enter 3. tuner will be immidiately directed to tune
> >> channel "12". display 12 wait 2 second for a 3rd or 4th key while 12
> >> is already tuned.
> >>
> >> The "advantages are:
> >>
> >> The user can given 10 time for each key press, so he
> >> don't has to hurry.
> >>
> >> The user has not to wait 10 sec for a reaction when he has
> >> finshed
> >>
> >> The user "sees" that some thing is hapening.
> >>
> >>
> >> Of cause it is not usefull to start a dish move on the first key
> >> press and turn back after the second ;-)
> >> But that cam be handeld teh way the user wants,
> >> For example:
> >> If VDR detects a dish move to be done, it could
> >> interact with the user, who may press "OK" to confirm the
> >> dish move.
> >>
> >> An sesond option would be to "limit" the number of channel digits.
> >> If one defines only 2 digit channel nummer, the VDR can
> >> react with lesser delays:
> >> The user may configure that after the frist/second/third digit
> >> the tuning process should start.
> >> If there are only 2 channel digits allows, the 3 number entred
> >> should go into the first place.
> >>
> >> Enter 1, display "1"
> >> Enter 3, display "13"
> >> Enter 4, display "43" or ("34")
> >> Enter 6, display "46" or ("46")
> >My personal opinion: this is way too complex, and immediately
> >switching channels might confuse users.
> it's komplex to write yes, but easy to use!
> You remeber cnn is on 45.
> Ups, ccn was 46.
> that's now 4 keystroke and no wait.
> 45 channel name "viva" is shown, wrong continue with
> 46 channel name "cnn" is shown
> done.
> But currently?
> The input is fixed at 3 digit IIRC.
> More chars are simply ignored.

I am not aware of such a limit.
As of version 1.2.2 VDR switches to the entered channel as soon as
the number uniquely specifies a channel. So, for instance, if you
have less than 100 channels, the switch will occur imemdiately after
you press the second digit.

> 45 (channel name "via" is shown) see your' wrong.
> wait until switch to 45 occures
> wait the tune
> restart
> 46 (channel name "cnn" is shown)

A simple press of the "Up" key would do the same here ;-)

> If you are not so disciplined you will
> end at the channel 454
> have to (must) wait until the tune has finished
> maybe with dish move etc...

No, you don't have to wait that long.
As soon as the display of the enetred digits disappears (which,
in case you enteres "123" would be "123-") you can enter a new
sequence of digits. There is no need to wait until tuning has finished.

> typ in 45
> see teh error
> want to "undo" by instantly typing 46
> and end in 454 (if it exists)

I can't help but getting the impression that you have fiddled around
with DIRECTCHANNELTIMEOUT - otherwise you wouldn't have to wait that


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