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[vdr] Re: migration to 1.2.2 Bartsch)  09.08.03 18:26

Once upon a time Rene Bartsch shaped the electrons to say...

>Am Sam, 2003-08-09 um 17.16 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:

>> vdr[3348]: loading /video/timers.conf
>> vdr[3348]: ERROR: channel 10 not defined
>> vdr[3348]: ERROR: error in /video/timers.conf, line 1
>> But still there was a
>> "ERROR: channel 31 not defined"
>> a "wc -l channels.conf" gives 158 or so.
>> After some counting i found that lot of my "old" channels
>> were not in the new channels.conf (only 28 made the way)
>> and that a ":@201" force a jump from 28 to 201 in numbering...

>Your problem is not only channels.conf but also timers.conf.

>VDR-1.0.4 identified channels line-based, while VDR-1.1.x identifies
>channels by UIDs, which are calculated by the values of specific
>fields in a channel-entry.

>Your old timers.conf wants to access channel 31, which of course does
>not exist if you have not specified any channel between 28 and 201
>(:@XXX is a placeholder meaning all following channels are to be kept
>free until XXX).

Yepp. After removing the label, all looks well.

>You have to delete your timers.conf. 

There are approx. 98 entries. I don't think i do "want" to do that ;-)

I edited via VDR the 3 false channel entries 
so that error went away. The timer seems to work correctly.

>And your channels in channels.conf have to be unique 
>(no channel-entry may contain the same settings of another one).

>See man 5 vdr for information about UIDs and channel-entries.

Yes, i found that while advancing

So the easiest way would be to integrate that into that script too
Or to modified it for that one time job.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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