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[vdr] Re: migration to 1.2.2

Am Sam, 2003-08-09 um 22.32 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:

> >You have to delete your timers.conf. 
> There are approx. 98 entries. I don't think i do "want" to do that ;-)
> I edited via VDR the 3 false channel entries 
> so that error went away. The timer seems to work correctly.

That's strange. As the channels of the timers are identified by UID, the
UID 31 (the channel-entry for your timer) should not exist.

Check the logs of VDR regularly. I think you'll have some nice surprises
what will be recorded - if the timers start properly.

Rene Bartsch
Faculties MNI
Computer Science 8th Semester
FH Giessen/Friedberg, Germany

Facsimile/Phone: +49 7 00/72 27 87 24

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