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[vdr] Re: watchdog doesnīt work when vdr called with option "-d"?


thanks for again helping me :)

So regarding the functionality of watchdog I should prefer to start VDR in /etc/inittab without the -d option.
Why I didnīt do that is because then the PC doesnīt react to any keys on the keyboard anymore!
I even canīt log on to the PC, and ending the VDR-task not logged in is imho not possible :/
Any solution?


Klaus Schmidinger schrieb: wrote:


I installed several PCs with VDR and watchdog only works when VDR is
called without the "-d" option.


Automatic restart in case of hangups:

If you run VDR using the 'runvdr' shell script it will use the built-in
watchdog timer to restart the program in case something happens that
causes a program hangup. If you change the command line options for the
call to the VDR program, be sure to NOT use the '-d' option! Otherwise
VDR will go into 'deamon' mode and the initial program call will return

Meaning: the watchdog doesn't work with -d.


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