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[vdr] Aldi RC MD4688 and LIRC (was: Re: Re: aldi-773 LIRC duplicate Keys) Barszus)  11.08.03 01:50

Once upon a time Steffen Barszus shaped the electrons to say...

>Am Montag, 11. August 2003 01:20 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:

>> 0065 on VCR is much better..."mute" is a separate key (i hope not
>> that of my TV ;-)) etc.
>> vtx is possible too, but:

>Well you didn't read what I have written. 

I did. I misstyped.. i wanted to write "VDR".

>I have used 065 on Device DVD and 260 on Device VCR

That does not matter AFAIK.

>> All keys in the two rows with "<< > >>,  rec stop pause" are
>> not realized by (my) LIRC!

>That are provided by VCR 260 with push trough while being on Device


>Well read what I have written. Is it that unclear ?

>Press VCR => hold setup => type 260
>Press DVD => hold setup => type 065
>cp lircd.conf /etc/lircd.conf
>service lircd start (or whatever it is called on your machine)

killall lircd

>irw => have a look (you have to be on DVD on the remote)

>rm /video/remote.conf
>start vdr ;)

>At least it works here. And yep it starts to get to specific ;)

Yepp ;-)

I did it as you worte!

When i press "<<" while in "DVD" i see the LED jumping to
"VCR"(punsh thru) and on the digicam i see that the RC 
is emitting IR-light!

LIRC irw does not realize those codes from 260!

msi:~/video# irw
0000400401000809 00 1 MD4688DVD065
0000400401000809 01 1 MD4688DVD065

irw seems to be blind to those codes from 260!

Key "<<"
msi:~/video# mode2
space 8811098
pulse 3669
space 3545
pulse 949
space 838
pulse 948
space 2653
pulse 950
space 835
pulse 950
space 851
pulse 924
space 864
pulse 921
space 851
pulse 951
space 2666

Next try:
msi:~/video# mode2
space 16777215
pulse 3666
space 3544
pulse 971
space 817
pulse 951
space 2650
pulse 968
space 819
pulse 949
space 851
pulse 921
space 851
pulse 950
space 836
pulse 970
space 2633

irrecord -f a065.conf

Please enter the name for the next button (press <ENTER> to finish recording)

Now hold down button "<<".
Something went wrong. Please try again. (9 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (8 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (7 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (6 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (5 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (4 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (3 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (2 retries left)
Something went wrong. Please try again. (1 retries left)
Something went wrong.
Try using the -f option.

with a.conf containing 065 (and 260 removed or not)

rm b.conf ;irrecord -f b.conf

Press RETURN now to start recording.
Found gap: 74085
Please keep on pressing buttons like described above.
Creating config file in raw mode.
Now enter the names for the buttons.

Please enter the name for the next button (press <ENTER> to finish recording)

Now hold down button "<<".
Signal is too long.

Please enter the name for the next button (press <ENTER> to finish recording)

Now hold down button "<<".
Signal is too long.

Please enter the name for the next button (press <ENTER> to finish recording)

Now hold down button "1".
Got it.
Signal length is 99

What's that "Signal is too long"?

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