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[vdr] Re: One image on all channels?

Oliver Endriss wrote:
> On Monday 11 August 2003 17:04, Rainer Zocholl wrote:
> > While zapping thru tons of channels, suddenly
> > all channels shows the same "still image".
> > Audio was correct.
> > Switching for and back did not help.
> > Jumping an other channel did not help either.
> > After some switching the normal image reoccurs.
> >
> > The image seems to be a "half image" because it flickers
> > at some places.
> > It consists out of one square image on left with full height
> > and 2 square images on the right
> I can confirm this. It happens rarely after a channel change.
> Seems to be a decoder problem. If it occurres I have a frozen
> image on the screen with some flickering at the top of the
> screen. If you wait some time, the flickering section gets
> larger and larger. Finally the correct image appears again.
> Sound is never affected.
> Oliver

Ah, now I remember: I did see this a few times, but since I was
doing some heavy debugging with CAM stuff and the like at the time,
I considered it to be a side effect of my test.

I wouldn't know, though, what to do about it in VDR.


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