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[vdr] Re: migration to 1.2.2


>The first step will certainly bring the bare functionality, but in
>the end I want to implement general mechanisms to protect various
>aspects of VDR via PINs (just numbers, since that's all we have on RCs),
>like deleting recordings, modifying timers etc. One such thing will
>then be "changing the channel list".

OK, thanks a lot, I will then just have to wait and see what comes :)

>There was a long  thread about that stuff some time ago.
>To me, this "security" matter does not belong to VDR but to DVB (with 
>rating encoded in EPG).

I am sure this can be discssed endlessly :) 
>What about the X films you recorded ?... ;)

Hmm, that is a good point. 
VDR could save the Infirmation from which channel it has recorded this and
based on the chanels lists then decide who is allowed to watch this. Old
recordings is another thing though. Here it could be done by
allowing/disallowing subdirectories. there are lots of possibilities.
And what about .avi's, ... ?  ;) (could be done by mounting the
avi-filesystem only if the right pin was entered)

I know that this is not very easy, I just wanted to know if Klaus was
thinking about going that direction.

Christian Jacobsen

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