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[vdr] Re: Problems with DVB

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Am Donnerstag, 14. August 2003 23:17 schrieb Juri Haberland:
> Dennis schwerdel wrote:
> > Am Donnerstag, 14. August 2003 22:25 schrieb Juri Haberland:
> >> I want you to connect your TV set with a cinch cable to the Video-Out of
> >> your DVB card. Directly. Without any other stuff like graphic cards
> >> inbetween. Just a single cable from the DVB to the TV. That simple.
> >
> > Yes this is the actual state.
> > My TV got 3 SCART-IN.
> > First is connected to the DVB-OUT
> > Second is connectec to the graphic cards-out
> >
> >> Then start Windows and the Technotrend application (or whatever program
> >> you use within Windows). Now my question: Do you get a picture on TV?
> >
> > No I get no Picture.
> > IMHO this tool just shows the video on the desktop.
> > I dont have any tool to show the video via DVB but Im searching for.
> Actually, the programm that you are currently watching with the
> Technotrend application should appear on the TV. If it doesn't, either
> your Cinch-to-SCART adapter is wrong, your cable is defect, or you
> wrecked the TV-out of the DVB card, which is very sensitive. This happend
>  to a lot of people including me :(
> Did you try to get some sound out of the audio-out? If this delivers
> sound in Windows, but you get no picture, your card is most certainly
> defect. If you still have warranty on it, try get a new one from your
> vendor.
> Cheers,
> Juri

Ok thanks I will try different adapters and other TV settings.
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