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[vdr] Re: OT: Choosing a multiswitch

Am Mon, 2003-08-18 um 01.59 schrieb Rainer Zocholl:
> Bartsch)  17.08.03 14:15
> Once upon a time Rene Bartsch shaped the electrons to say...
> >Am Son, 2003-08-17 um 08.23 schrieb Reinhard Nissl:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> So my question is: does anyone have a 9/x multiswitch for a single
> >> dish ASTRA/EutelSat system, and was it necessary to supply any
> >> attenuation equipment to the inputs?
> >As a 9/16 Multiswitch is quite expensive and requires extensive
> >wiring, you might be interested in a Technisat Disicon 4. 
> >It's a LNB with integrated frequency-shifting solution. 
> >That means you only have one wire through the house on which 
> >all receivers are attached instead of 8 lines from the LNB 
> >to the multi-switch and 16 single wires, each for one receiver. 
> >You can even split lines if necessary.
> The disadvantage:
> You have only the "most" german Astra and only digital channels. 
> More are not possible because your single cable does not have enough bandwith.

Analogue not, of course, but the question I'm interested in is if the
Disicon 4 is pre-programmed or if there's a way to select the channels
by e.g. diseqc. I once called the 0190-hotline from Technisat. They
didn't tell me much when I told them I wanted to know the technicals for
implementing Disicon 4 for a VCR-software (-> VDR), but the guy on the
line told something about it would emulate 3 LNBs controlled by diseqc.

> Recently i saw at Conrad a 
> "Digitales Einkabelsystem" smart GP31-D 940351 EUR169,--
> which seems to be similar to disicon but works with any LNB...
> (="smart")

I also checked it out a year ago - but I don't want a pre-programmed
solution - what happens if channels change?

> (Technisat solution costs only 150EUR and "includes" the LNB!)
> The base GP31-D device supports only german TV-radio channels
> on 22 Transponders
> (65,67,68,71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89,104,106,108,110,112,114,116,118,120) 
> and a few non-german but works with any receiver!
> It uses only the hi-Band (so no TDSL is possible)
> The GP31-D can be extended to convert further transponders.
> Another device seems to be Schwaiger EKF1100, but they
> are talking only about 2 receivers...that's not what we want ;-)

No, we're looking for a solution to attach 32 tuner-frontends ;o)

> >It may require patching VDR slightly as it seems to use own LOF for
> >each attached receiver 
> ?? i thought they where mixing the digital signals into lower
> bands.

I've never found a data-sheet describing what it exactly does ... but
some kind of frequency-shifting.

> AFAIK a Disicon can feed any(!) amount of receivers.
> You just need additional amplifiers.
> If each receiver has it's own LFO the max. number of receivers
> would be limited, or?
> >which would mean to extend the diseqc-function
> >of VDR to enter a unique LOF for each tuner-frontend.
> >As nobody on the list - including me - has Disicon 4, you'd have the
> >risk to be the first one using it - Just check to
> >get more information. the drawback of the Disicon will be you can't
> >receive analogue channels.
> If i built a new house in would not use such single cable solutions.
> Those single cable solution are good for old houses.

I'd prefer single-cable fiber-optics, too ;o)

Rene Bartsch

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