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[vdr] Re: Wishlist - Timer-Menu Goeller)  20.08.03 16:58

Once upon a time Wolfgang Goeller shaped the electrons to say...

>Ralf Klueber wrote:

>> Perhaps this is new to you. You could change the date of the timer
>> and if you scroll left or right behond 31 or 1 there is one option
>> for "every Monday", "every Tuesday", ..., "Every Weekday", and
>> "Every Day". Perhaps you missed that.

>Yes, indeed, it is new to me - thanks a lot. I found nothing about
>this in the manual. May be I'm a bad reader. But this feature is

You can enter a "0" ann left too to get "more complicated"
repetive timers.

With a "1" and "left" is a short cut.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------

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