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[vdr] Re: Filesystem pros & cons Fiala)  23.08.03 19:19

Once upon a time Guido Fiala shaped the electrons to say...

>On Saturday 23 August 2003 19:06, Lauri Tischler wrote:
>> I've been using reiserfs for /video for sometime now,
>> appears to work ok.
>> Now I'm about to add some more disk into the box.
>> Any pros or cons about reiserfs versus ext3 ?

>Really hard to tell - i heard some people had real trouble with reiser
>i can not confirm - even after disk-fulls, complete system-lockups,
>power-failures and lot's of fsck's anythings still here.

>In the office i had recently really big trouble with ext3 - someone
>pulled the plug out of the wall and afterwards the system was unusable
>_despite_ ext3 is the only system with "metadata" spooling (the
>complete /etc and a lot else was in lost+found - but i was easier to
>reinstall than to recover the cryptic files)
>- that never happened to me in 4 years of reiserfs...

A problem occurs with all journaling FS when disk write caching 
is enabled and there is no battery backup unit in the disk to
buffer the cache contents until the power returns.

Can you ensure that the disk write cache was really disabled
and that no one/nothing turned it on to get (noticable!) more
write thruput?

>xfs is also named for it's stability - has someone experiences with it
>under above hard conditions?

c't had a test some momth ago.
The clear winner was XFS,
then ext3

The big adavntage of ext3 is it's compability with ext2 
so it can be booted easily and ext2 tools can be used.

XFS is said to need to rewrite the entire kernel...

I would say:
Use ext3 for boot and system partitions, XFS for the video vault.

>The major "disadvantage" of reiserfs is it supposed slow performance
>for large files - i can confirm that a "normal" reiserfs get's into
>trouble with 92%++ if also a lot of small files are stored on it. 

I've read that lot of small files is the advantage of reiser.
So reise would be great on an old fashioned newsserver which
stored each article in a single file. But such systems (pre INN2.0 IIRC)
are obsolete today.


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