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[vdr] Re: Filesystem pros & cons

On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 04:53:00PM +0200, Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:
> Matthias Schniedermeyer <> wrote:
> > Btw. I use VDR for nearly 3 years now, and i never lost anything due
> > to filesystem problems and i use ext2. With only 3/4 power outages in
> > 3 years i don't have any pressure to change the filesystem.
> that's exactly the point. people tend to think journaling filesystems
> save them from data loss on power failure. but that is an ongoing
> misunderstanding. they just save you from the timeconsuming fsck,
> nothing else. keep that in mind, when making your decision for one or
> the other filesystem. on the long run, only the combintion of RAID, UPS
> and BACKUP lets me sleep peacfuly. ;-)

Guess why i burn my recordings to DVD-R.
And another argument is the price, DVD-R have a much cheaper per GB
price than HDDs. (And are easier to handle ...)

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as 
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