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[vdr] Re: Filesystem pros & cons

Am Montag, 25. August 2003 13:48 schrieb Christian Vogt:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Clemens Kirchgatterer" <>
> > that's exactly the point. people tend to think journaling
> > filesystems save them from data loss on power failure. but that is
> > an ongoing misunderstanding. they just save you from the
> > timeconsuming fsck, nothing else.
> Hmm, ext3 IS a journaling filesystem, right?
> So why does my standard SUSE 8.1 do a timeconsuming filesystem check
> on every N'th mount of the ext3 partition? (I think N is something
> around 30, and the check takes more than 5 minutes for my 120GB disk
> - a long time when you have started the box because you wanted to
> watch tv... ;-)
> Is it misconfigured or 'by design' ?
> Any idea how to stop this?

Its a flaw in some current Distros. The same goes for Mandrake 9.1 and i 
guess there may be other distros as well having these problems. In fact 
the chance that you will lose something is bigger with a fsck, than 
with a journal replay. So you should make sure as hell that you don't 
run a fsck after a crash. 


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