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[vdr] Re: Minor problems in editing

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Malcolm Caldwell wrote:

On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 03:59, Kimmo Vuorinen wrote:
Have you applied vdr_iframe_patch from dxr3 plugin directory to your
vdr? I don't have any problems editing with dxr3 and fast forward /
reverse is also greatly improved by the patch.
I had totally forgotten about this patch - no wonder 'fast forward used
to work but now does not'!

Does this patch cause problems for systems that do have full cards?

Klaus: any chance of this patch going into vdr?

I'm not so sure whether this is generally a good idea.
IIRC the problem was that sometimes the tail of an I-frame
is in the same packet as the following P- or B-frame.
So when an I-frame is sent to the player device, there might
be some bytes missing at the end. Apparently the DVB cards
can handle this and play the I-frame just as well (maybe with
some artefacts), but the DXR3 seems to choke on this (please
somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

With the mentioned patch, however, the data comprising a "still
picture" will in fact consist of a complete I-frame and some
P- or B-frame. I'm not sure what a player might make of that...
With this patch applied editing with dxr3 works without pain (and FF and rewind as well). Would a full-featured DVB then choke on additional and incomplete other frame types?



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