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[vdr] Re: CAM - proposal for reinitializing

Wolfgang Goeller wrote:
> Hello
> Even though the CAM-Patch improved the situation:
> I still loose rather often after an edit-session the
> encrypted channels.
> This can of course only happen, if editing is done
> with the card the CAM is connected to.
> In that case editing is only possible if no encrypted
> channel is recorded.
> That means: After the end of an edit-session it would
> be absolutely save to totally reinitialize the CAM.
> What do you think about it?

This sounds like the problem we had long ago with the old
firmware (that did the CAM handling all by itself, now known
as '-icam'), where the CAM didn't decrypt any more after a
replay was done on that card. I don't have this problem
with the LL firmware.

Are you sure you are using the LL firmware?


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