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[vdr] Re: lirc with zapway receiver

I solved the problem.

It is only working with the SuSE source rpm for the lirc modules: 

For lirc I did:

	rpm -ivh lirc-0.6.6-77.rpm
	rpm -ivh km_lirc-0.6.6-77.rpm
	cd /usr/src/kernel-modules/lirc/
	make -f Makefile.module
	make -f Makefile.module install

	in Yast System -> Editor for /etc/sysconfig
		-> Hardware -> Lirc
		-> LIRC_DEVICE=/dev/lirc
		-> LIRC_MODULE=lirc_serial
	/etc/init.d/lirc start
	irrecord -f /etc/lircd.conf
	/etc/init.d/lirc restart

vdr compiled with
	make REMOTE=lirc
	rm /video/remote.conf # just in case there was one before
	start vdr
	start kvdr
	learn the keys

I send this just in case somebody else has the same trouble.
May be it helps.


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