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[vdr] Re: issues for vdr-xine-0.0.3

On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 11:33:47PM +0200, Reinhard Nissl wrote:
> Hi,
> the discussion about fifo location and naming also depends on the number of
> devices supplied by the plugin and on the number of VDR processes on the
> same machine, that use my plugin.
> Does it make sense to supply more then one device (e. g. currently four)?
> At least I didn't find any use for the other three.

I would bet the upper limit of concurrent (local) clients is exactly ONE.

> Is it common, that there are multiple VDR processes, that load my plugin?

Not "in the wild", not really!

> What about the following suggestions for the fifo:
> 	/tmp/vdr/xine-deviceX.PID
> X will be replaced by the devicenumber (e. g. 0..3) and my be dropped, if
> it doesn't make sense to support more than one device per VDR instance.
> PID would be replaced by the PID of the VDR instance and could be dropped,
> if only one VDR is expected to use the plugin.

Dont use too much time on this!

X11 uses /tmp/.X11-unix/X0=

My (analogTV-plugin) uses /tmp/.analogtv.avi

Simply take your choice and go on with your really nice plugin!

> Finally, it can be overriden by a command line argument.

Forget about this! Which "normal" user wants to have control over the
naming scheme of internally used named pipes? Exactly none!

> Bye.
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

Andreas Kool (akool<nospam>@</nospam> *

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