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[vdr] issues for vdr-xine-0.0.3


the discussion about fifo location and naming also depends on the number of devices supplied by the plugin and on the number of VDR processes on the same machine, that use my plugin.

Does it make sense to supply more then one device (e. g. currently four)? At least I didn't find any use for the other three.

Is it common, that there are multiple VDR processes, that load my plugin?

What about the following suggestions for the fifo:


X will be replaced by the devicenumber (e. g. 0..3) and my be dropped, if it doesn't make sense to support more than one device per VDR instance.

PID would be replaced by the PID of the VDR instance and could be dropped, if only one VDR is expected to use the plugin.

Finally, it can be overriden by a command line argument.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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