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[vdr] Re: Try to fix "unknown picture error"

Tilo Renkl wrote: 
> > If someone is interested in supporting my "bug-hunting", 
> > he/she could try to
> > test the different versions of vdr and try to find out, which version
> > introduces this bug. I'm a little bit confused, why Tilo 
> > recognized this bug only
> > in vdr versions >1.1.28. So perhaps on different machines 
> > this bug appears
> > with different versions?!?
> Hi Martin,
> I allways used newer divers for my tests. Maybe thats why I only get that
> error with versions > 1.1.28. But anyway, I never used a Vanilla VDR, and

That's bad. Because to locate this error I/we must use vanilla vdr. And I 
think it's better to use a driver, which was actually introduced with the
vdr version for my tests.

Actual state of my research ;-) :

vdr 1.1.27 with DVB driver from 27.4.2003 also produces this error.

Now I'm back at vdr version 1.1.26 with DVB driver from 27.4.2003 which 
was running over 4 months without any problems. I'll test this combination
2-3 days and if it works, I'll look at the changes in the source code (which
are many as you also see in HISTORY of vdr 1.1.27)

But nevertheless I'm quite glad, that the faulty vdr versions produces the
error after 2-3 hours. So the testing period to find the last "good" vdr
shouldn't be too long.

btw. Can anyone confirm that the "unknown picture error" has nothing in
common with "video data stream broken on device ..." when a recording
starts on the secondary device. My experience is, that with newer driver
versions the "video data stream broken error" is gone.


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