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[vdr] Re: vdradmin autotimer - only record on first occurance possible ?
On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 02:48:48PM +0200, Christian Jacobsen wrote:
> Hallo,
> >How does master-timer differ from vdradmin? I've only used the latter.
> I might not be the right person to answer this as I have not used
> master-timer myself.
> This is as far as I know the differences
> Master-timer keeps a list of recordings already recorded so that you will
> only record something once (which I find very good).
Here i must say "asterisk"(sternchen) It's an optional feature. And some
related features are switched of in "distribution-default-configuration"
(e.g. with the default-config master-timer doesn't remeber which timers
it had programmed, so that i will reprogramm deleted timers)
> "But" it is a collection of scripts so you will have to insert new
> "autotimers" on the commandline - not good for families (wife ;)).
You have to edit the configuration-file.
My configuration (only "torecord" counted) is more than 1000 lines long,
so i don't think a VDR-solution wouldn't be that easy to use. :-)
Bis denn
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