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[vdr] Re: Stop writing video 2MB before disk full [was Drop supportfor multiplevideo dirs?]

> How about the following idea:
> 1. VDR creates a ("empty") file "/video0/spare" with a user defined
>    size ( >= 1GB ... ) if it does not exist anyway

i have an even better idea :-)

what about a special atribute on one recording which tells vdr
to delete that recording in case of ENOSPC? (and stop recording after that)
this would save us from having 1gb (=half an hour) "unused" 

private wish: vdr should check also when not recording for
the free diskspace and go the standart way 
-> low disk space 
-> try to remove old recording 
-> ... space again available

practical reason for this ... i have a sambashare on the same partition 
with the video dir .. and users cry bitterly if there is no space left for 
"files" ;-)

mfg hermann

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