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[vdr] Re: dvb threatening file system? [was Drop support for multiple video dirs?]

Guido Fiala wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2003 14:38 schrieben Sie:
> > How do you think will such a test look like? You cannot test all
> > components in all their different constellations. That's the reason, 
> > why systems with
> Of course not, but running all programs to be used at the system at once
> and in action is not a bad test...

Who defines, which programs are involved in that test? And running a sw
doesn't mean, that this is a valid test. You have to work with that sw to do a
realistic test (which is only valid for that sw, with the used hw, ...).

> > high stability requirements make use of "industrial computers" which are
> > well combined and tested components. If you puzzle your own system
> Of course - but is there one that fits all your needs and is not to
> expensive?

At work we use several automation systems which are stability-critical. If
you ask the manufacturer of that system, why they use "industrial machines"
and no standard pc components, you will get an answer like "These machines are
well tested and work..." And as soon as you change any of the hw-components
or install any other sw you will loose the function-warranty. :-(
For private purposes this isn't practicable, because you won't get any
machine, which fits to your needs. So here you've to use and mix single
components. But you will get the instability of such mixed systems...
> > and even make use of noname components like memory, power supply, etc.
> > you cannot expect, that this hardware will run in a stable way.
> Right - but all the components (beside RAM and CPU) are onboard-components
> of an i815-mainboard - they should work together...

Yes they should. I meant components like ram, graphic-card, power-supply and
so on.

> > You cannot compare (for example) a little text editor with a hw-related
> > driver and sw, or do you? If your hw isn't stable it's quite sure that
> > most of the uncritical sw will run fine. But if you want to run
> > sw you may expect such a behaviour.
> The comparison is not intended - it was just meant as a warning not to
> trust simple burn-in tests (especially "real-mode" or tests that do not
> all the cpu's instructions). 
> I bought lots of systems, even for the office from named providers, they
> said they run burn-in tests. I did too (unter windows). Memtest did never 
> found an error - and yet, the system was unstable, discovered it by
> subsequent kernel-compiles after some applications did crash that never 
> crashed before. 
> In that cases i had to run the AMD-processor at 1000 instead of 1500 to
> make it stable.

I'd bad experiences with AMD in the past and therefore I only use
Intel-CPUs. And until now, I'm running all CPUs with there original rate. 

> > I definitly can confirm that memory chips from noname-manufacturer
> > causes
> > unpredictable behaviour of a system. If you use in the same system an
> > infineon-memory you won't have any problems.
> If your read carefully you see that i have indeed tested only Infineon's !
> An name alone is not a stone...

Ups, you wrote "(i tried single and double-sided ones and i heard Infineon
are good ones)" so I didn't conclude that you are already using infineon.

> > I cannot confirm that. If you buy a 133Mhz memory, this chip have to 
> > run at 133Mhz or it is defect. But some of the noname-manufacturer 
> > think that an
>  You are right - but the specification of "running" is that varies...

That's really true! :-)


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