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[vdr] Re: Future of Master-Timer (for VDR)

On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 07:49:03PM +0200, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> Hi
> I now have to change Master-Timer to work with/in my new environment.
> As i don't have any numbers on Master-Timer users i don't know if there is
> enough(tm) interest to retain VDR compatiblity(*).

An Addendum to this.

I've written a wrapper around my new envrionment that behaves excactly
like a VDR(*).
So i don't have to change anything in Master-Timer. :-)

The whole point is now just void. :-)

*: This Emulator implements the necessary parts of the SVDR-protocol to
fake a real VDR. Whole Master-Timer only needs 4 different SVDR-Commands
(excluding "LSTE" which isn't emulated. For the EPG-Part i've written a
programm that generates a VDR(/master-timer) compatible ""-file)

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