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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: record the whole movie in timeshift mode

Michael Troß wrote:
> Am Mo, 2003-12-01 um 12.48 schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
> > > > it would be an useful feature to record until the end of the movie in
> > > > timeshift mode. This is the expected behaviour, and I was
> > > > surprised that
> > > > the recording had stopped 10 minutes before the end of the movie ;-)
> > > > Yes, I know, I told VDR to do so and record only 120 minutes in this
> > > > mode.
> > >
> > > IMNSOHO it'd be possible to change the duration of immediate registrations,
> > > for example if I repush red on a currently recording channel, it might
> > > rotate among some values, like 30-60-90-120-180-240 starting with the
> > > default (120).
> >
> > You could also just as well go into the Timers menü and edit the stop
> > time of that timer.
> OK, I know, there are some ways to change the duration of the recording
> or the timers. But it was too late when I realized my mistake - the
> movie was over.
> I just thought it would be a nice feature, and I believe, less technical
> skilled persons like me - and possibly others, at least my grandma - do
> not think about the length of a recording when they press yellow on the
> menu.

That's why the default duration is 3 hours - long enough for
virtually any movie ;-)


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