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[vdr] Re: Mplayer-plugin output blocky..

Patrick Cernko wrote:
Also sprach Ari Huttunen zu "01.12.2003 22:55" Anno Domini:

Well, I shot the TV with a digital camera and put the result here:

Ok, visible MPEG macro blocks! This means to high quantisation. You can
get comparable results, if you use a DVD shinking tool with its highest
shrinking rate!
Is this the same 'quantization' that is limited by ffmpeg's "-qmax 10" that
I have there? If so, any idea what amount of quantization generally results
in macroblocks being visible? Or does this question make no sense?

I'll see what happens if I use mencoder. I first used that one, but I found
it harder to specify that I want to cut out "N pixels from the left", which
is useful for some recordings.


Everything is not as bad as it seems. <Poolzmaiden>

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