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[vdr] Re: Question: Hoerzu Digital

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 20:04:24 +0100, Steffen Barszus <> wrote:

The question is if it is really worth it ? a short piece of the epg
023170~@Tim Sebastian talks to newsmakers and personalities from across
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At least it is for 7 days (speak till 031216) nad more then nothing.

ss is indeed the channel there the channels are:

  0ARD             001:1101:28106
  1ZDF             001:1079:28006
  2RTL               001:1089:12003
  3SAT1             133:0033:00046
  4PRO7              133:0033:00898
  5KABEL 1           133:0033:00899
  6RTL II            001:1089:12020
  7SUPER RTL         001:1089:12040
  8VOX               001:1089:12060

and so on (51 channels)

Hope i don't pollute just the list with this stuff, but its funny to
have a look at it

So now someone with perl knowledge or the like is needed ;)




I already use the content of "Hoerzu" to sync my epg data but I don't get the information from the digital channel. I use the script from
to get the information from the webside of hoerzu. The documentation for this script is only in german but as I saw all posts to this thread are from .de adresses.
For me this scripts works very good but of course it would be better to receive the data via sat in order to reduce the internet traffic. Maybe there is a posibility to adapt the script to get the data via sat but I am to less involved to know how to get the data out of the sat-channel.

Mario Aistleitner (Probebetrieb)
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