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[vdr] VDR-1.3.x and a rotorized dish

Hi Klaus,

I have a setup where 2 DVB-s pointing to 19,2°E and 1 DVB-s is connected to a 
rotorized dish.

There are a few obstacles in this environment:

1.) Until 1.3.x I used a special CA value to bind all non-Astra channels to 
the DVB-s where the rotor is connected. 

Unfortunately this won't work in vdr-1.3.x anymore. Reading "man 5 vdr" lead 
me to the solution to use a special value within the range 0x10 .. 0xff for 
this purpose, but I got always "channel not available" errors. Here is dirty 
fix for this:

diff -Naur vdr-1.3.1/device.h vdr-1.3.1_provides_ca_patch/device.h
--- vdr-1.3.1/device.h	2004-01-10 15:15:10.000000000 +0100
+++ vdr-1.3.1_provides_ca_patch/device.h	2004-01-17 21:15:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
   static int nextCardIndex;
   int cardIndex;
   int caCaps[MAXCACAPS];
diff -Naur vdr-1.3.1/dvbdevice.c vdr-1.3.1_provides_ca_patch/dvbdevice.c
--- vdr-1.3.1/dvbdevice.c	2004-01-10 13:21:41.000000000 +0100
+++ vdr-1.3.1_provides_ca_patch/dvbdevice.c	2004-01-17 21:15:51.000000000 
@@ -435,6 +435,11 @@
 int cDvbDevice::ProvidesCa(const cChannel *Channel) const
+  if (Channel->Ca() >= 0x0010 && Channel->Ca() < 0x0100) {
+     for(int i = 0; i < MAXCACAPS; i++)
+        if(Channel->Ca() == caCaps[i])
+           return true;
+  }
   if (Channel->Ca() >= 0x0100 && ciHandler) {
      unsigned short ids[MAXCAIDS + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i <= MAXCAIDS; i++) // '<=' copies the terminating 0!

But this doesn't seem to be the right way, because wouldn't the new CA 
handling get undermined by such special CA values? I don't see a (clean) way 
to use a CAM on the rotorized dish. For example ":11,1702:" as CA value, 
suggesting that a channel is only available from the rotorized dish and 
encrypted in BetaCrypt, gets overwritten with ":11:" after tuning to this 

The solution for this might be to have a "SourceCaps" setup option similar the 
the "CaCaps", which would look in my particular case like this:

SourceCaps = 1 S19.2E
SourceCaps = 2 S19.2E
SourceCaps = 3 S28.5E S16.0E S13.0E ...... S43.0W

2.) On most orbital positions besides Astra and Hotbird (may be Sirius, Thor, 
Hispa, too) the quality of the broadcasted SI-data is rather low. So 
SID,TID,NID values are not within the specs or totally misleading. This makes 
the default behaviour of VDR: "bool tChannelID::Valid(void) { return (tid && 
sid); }" a real showstopper for these satellites. Besides that, the idea of a 
unique channel-id won't work, too. So VDR needs a second method of uniqueness 
for channel-ids. I would suggest using a special value of a SID:NID:TID 
triplet and hash value of the channel's name for the RID.
This would enable VDR to be used for feed hunting and other cool DXing 
stuff :-))

Viele Grüße

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