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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.2.6 and _new_ driver capabilities (backport to 0.94 driver possible?)

> Am Montag, 2. Februar 2004 21:15 schrieb Reiner Rosin:
> > Do you know if using the old fw with a newer driver might have any
> > other side-effects?
> I already tried this last year, it worked, somehow, but the lockup with
> was'nt that much more seldom than with the current firmware that it really
> made sense (at least using analogtv).
> But i did'nt change anything regarding HW_FILTERS, maybe that was the

I don´t think so because using HW_FILTERS with the current firmware doesn´t
change anything. But as i know software sections filtering was introduced
because some filter problems and side-effects to the osd in API3
driver/firmware, so i think this is another "workaround";)

> OSD distortions and video distortions because of OSD do happen often then,
> make it work you need to reimplement a udelay(5000) after an OSD-function
> call, that makes the OSD really slow. (5000µs was minimum required here!)
> Will the nice colored station icons and all the fancy new layout work with
> old driver too? I wonder...
> Guido

Hmm, if i had the choice beween a very stable driver/firmware and an very
nice looking fancy layout and osd.......i would use the stable driver;)

Andreas Share

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