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[vdr] Re: Other Way for EPG-Programming (Client/SERVER) wrote:

> > This has been discussed a lot. The problem is that VDR is lacking a
> > locking mechanism to avoid interfering changes at the same time. You
> > can only use SVDRP as it's disconnect feature allows to share the
> > SVDRP-port between several clients.
> This is one of the biggest show-stoppers for me currently (I want the
> server to do the recordings, but want to be able to programm them from
> the client).

> Would this work:
> - have a server and client with identical DVB-S setup (same satellite,
>    same channels.conf).
> - nfs mount the servers vdr config dir to the client
> Would the server notice that his timers.conf has changed?

afaik, no. :-(

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