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[vdr] Re: Other Way for EPG-Programming (Client/SERVER)

> This is one of the biggest show-stoppers for me currently (I want the
> server to do the recordings, but want to be able to programm them from
> the client).
> Would this work:
> - have a server and client with identical DVB-S setup (same satellite,
>    same channels.conf).
> - nfs mount the servers vdr config dir to the client
> Would the server notice that his timers.conf has changed?
> Andreas

No, that's the problem unfortunately. I want to have exactly the same setup as 
you but it doesn't work this way.  
The server side vdr will not notice a change of the timers.conf unless the vdr 
program is restartet.
The only way I could think of is to have some kind of daemon that watches the 
client's timers.conf for changes (with fam for example) and then updates the 
server's timers.conf via svdrp.
You could program such a daemon with perl. I wanted to do that but never found 
the time for this.

So either Klaus will add some kind of client / server support or someone 
starts to code this little daemon. Any volunteers ? 


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