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[vdr] Re: Recording and watching encypted channels

On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Jan Ekholm wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> >I'll need to test this on my system to see what's going wrong there.
> >Just one more question: how many DVB cards do you have? And which
> >card is the CAM connected to?
> Only one Hauppauge DVB-c card with one floppy-looking CI and the rest
> Conax.

I can't reproduce this. Just tried to change to some other channel while
recording encrypted channel. No difference if I recorded through timers or
by pressing REC. I'm only able to zap to other cards channels.

As far as I remember, Jan had some problems with his CI/CAM with vdr 1.3.2
and was fixed by patch from Klaus. That patch had no effects on my system.

My system is Hauppauge Nova-T as primary and Siemens DVB-C with CI/CAM
(Conax 4.0) as secondary.

Makes no difference if I disable Nova-T and use Siemens as the only card.

vdr-1.3.2 which I'm using at the moment.


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