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[vdr] Re: Image viewers

Hi Onno,

oh wow, i have been bussy since early dec. and have missed that on the !
NICE to see my work finaly did result in a working plugin :-)
and you did what made me stop my work: ZOOM, i was unable to do it on the shell, also the features need yould not be implemented straight.
Sorry to say but it's not me who did the coding :-)

I will install it _now_ !!!!

may i send you a patch adding the features to i added since.
[black borders are now quite correct, ImageMagic [identify] dependecy is
optional (i.e. with identify it's faster, but without you don't need ImagMagick and X)]

for the other open points i will answer this thread in the vdrportal, i think 90% are solvable.
Only 90 % ? Why not all :-)

Helmut Auer,

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