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[vdr] Output via OSS / ALSA / etc?


Is there a plugin for vdr which enables the audio from vdr to be routed
via a sound card output such as OSS, ALSA, ARTSD, etc.? Or does this
involve way too much fiddling about with stream demuxing, etc.?

At the moment, I have the soundcard of my vdr box connected to an
external amp for playing mp3s, CDs, etc. using xmms. The audio output
from my DXR3 goes to my TV but it would be nice if I could switch it to
the external amp as well using the same output as xmms.

Has anyone else come up with a solution to this? Or am I better off
connecting the output of the DXR3 to line-in on the soundcard and doing
it that way with a splitter?!



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