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[vdr] Can vdr work without antenna? (play recordings)


for some months, I will have no antenna signal at my PC. (That is not
the problem for me.) But during that time, I want to be able to play
recordings that have already been made, and I want to watch DVDs with
the DVD plugin.

Today I tested this with my full-featured DVB-S card. I stopped vdr,
pulled the antenna signal and started vdr again. For a short time, vdr
was usable for playing recordings, but after some minutes, it seemed to
be dead. The same behaviour after shutdown, switch off and on and
restart of the PC (except that vdr seems immediately dead).

With top, I could see, that a process named kdvb-fe-0:0 was consuming
about 12% CPU time (PIII/1000).

Question: Is there a possibility to tell vdr that it should not try to
get a valid antenna signal? But to be functional in every other way?
I would be really happy if there was a trick for that.

I already made experiments with channels.conf, but that only had the
effect, that vdr started again and again.

Thanks for your replies!


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