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[vdr] osdpip plugin - can't find libavcodec

I'm trying to get the osdpip codec working on a Linux 2.6.3 kernel, with VDR

I think I have ffmeg installed: I downloaded the latest cvs source, did 
   # cd /usr/src/ffmpeg
   # ./configure --prefix=/usr
   # make
   # make install

I get no errors from ffmpeg. I then did: 
   # cd /usr/src/vdr
   # make plugins 

This also gives me no errors and I end up with a file
"" in my /usr/src/vdr/PLUGINS/lib directory. 

But when I start vdr: 
# vdr -Pdvd -Posdpip
vdr: ./PLUGINS/lib/ undefined symbol: inflateReset

I'm sure it is something silly? But where do I look next? 


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