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[vdr] Re: GRAB always gives gray image

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>Can you find out exactly which thread this is?
>>From the "alarm(60)" call I would assume that it is the main VDR thread,
>and then what it waits for is probably some user input.
>That doesn't explain the high CPU load, though...

A quick test shows that it's the first VDR thread that gets stuck. At
least it's the one with the lowest PID after all threads have started.
This time it gets stuck in an accept() loop where the call gets an EAGAIN

I could try to dig in and see exactly where it gets stuck. At first I
thought it could not bind the SVDRP port due to it being reserved, but I
had VDR down for a few minutes before restarting, so that shouldn't be it.

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