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Thanks a lot!!!! Now it works. I have installed streamdev 0.3.1 on the client 
side too. 

Another problem is raised. I have my two(server & client)channels.conf in the 
proper location. When I start the client i can see the remote channel. But 
when i try to change the channel i can see the message(on the client):

Channel not available

eAnd so i can see only th the channel with which the server-VDR starts. 
Furthermore i'm not able to change the channel on the server. The channel is 
still unavailable...

If I stop the client side the i'm allowed to change the channel on the server 
side, but this is not what i want. I would like to change channels(on the 
client side)by switching through the channels available in my local 
channels.conf. How can I reach for this?



On Tuesday 09 March 2004 11:06, Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 9. März 2004 11:58 schrieb Samuele Merlini:
> > The first question. What does "can'open filter handler" mean????
> > And the second. Why the streamdev protocol fails(due to the PORT
> > failure)? Could anybody help me?
> The first message just means what it tells - the VDR client device doesn't
> provide filters (yet).
> The second message is because 0.3.1 and 0.2.0 are protocol-incompatible.
> Greetings,
> Sascha

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