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[vdr] Re: Burn DVD

Dave Chapman wrote:
> Andreas Tille wrote:
>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Juri Haberland wrote:
>>>Either growisofs or dvdrecord.
>> Thanks for the very quick answer!
>> While dvdrecord seems not to be contained in LinVDR 0.5 growisofs
>> is contained and now I even found the syntax in the German FAQ
>>      growisofs -Z /dev/dvd foo.iso
> According to the man page ("man growisofs"), the following should do 
> what you want:
> growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso
> The "-dvd-compat" options does various things to attempt to make the DVD 
> as compatible as possible with DVD players.

And, of course, the equal sign "=" inbetween the device and the ISO-file
is important.


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