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[vdr] vdr-1.3.5 + dxr3-0.2.2 + em8300-0.14-0 crashes lots

Has anyone had success with the current release of the em8300 drivers
(0.14.0) with vdr-1.3.5 and the latest dxr3 plugin (0.2.2)? My setup
also has a Nova-T DVB card.

Starting vdr with the dxr3 plugin gives a couple of blips on the
attached TV and then exits with no error messages. Looking in syslog, I
get the usual vdr start-up messages and then when it tries to
innitialise the dxr3 plugin, I get about three repeats of the dxr3 card
being reset and then nothing else as it exits.

Testing other versions of the em8300 driver (CVS from ca. November), vdr
gives random seg-faults either straight away or after several minutes.
Syslog contains many lines about ring buffer overflows.

Reverting back to the older em8300 driver and version 0.2.1 of the dxr
plugin gives a much more stable system. Running without the dxr3 plugin,
vdr runs happily for many days, setting times using vdradmin, etc.

As a further note, mplayer, run from outside vdr, works a treat with the
new em8300 drivers.

Bizarrely, running vdr from strace seems to work for longer! My thinking
is that there is either a synchronisation or speed problem somewhere
between the dxr3 plugin and the newer em8300 drivers: maybe one or both
of them is more susceptible to this.

I have tried running vdr from within gdb to try to find out what is
happening but I've never used it before with applications that fork: I
just see the initial process which then forks!

How can I go about debugging this problem? Any help welcomed!



P.S. Also tried DVB drivers 1.1.1 which did not appear to work, which
added to my 'fun' in sorting out this mess! Gone back to CVS from

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