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[vdr] Re: Can vdr work without antenna? (play recordings)

It seem to me from you explanation that VDR will even work without any DVB card at all ?
Is it true ?
It still must find a device to display things, and softdevice will provide one - the CLE266 MPEG2 chipset of my EPIA-M 10k.

(I'm in the process of setting up VDR, but didn't actually decide for which DVB card I wish to have : depends on capabilities, card size, temperature, power, etc.)

Walter Schittek wrote:

Simple solution if (all) your DVB card(s) have no antenna signal:

- Save your channels.conf and make it empty (0 bytes).
- Save your timers.conf and make it empty (0 bytes).
- Be sure that your vdr command line(s) (normal start, automatic restart when dead) don't contain the -s option, otherwise vdr would shutdown your PC after some time because he has no active timers.
- Restart vdr.

When you get the antenna signal back, restore the channels.conf and timers.conf, restart vdr and clean up the timers.

I have a rev 2.1 DVB-s card, and this works very well for me. Without antenna signal, VDR presents a black TV screen, but plays recordings and DVDs.

I came to this solution when I noticed that (in /var/log/messages) vdr did not complain about an empty channels.conf, but then complained about an undefined channel in timers.conf.

(Not only) at this point, vdr seems to be coded very logically. If there is no channel to tune and no timer to watch, it leaves the DVB card alone (with tuning) and still runs with all the other capabilities it has. Well done!


Nicolas Huillard
Directeur Technique
GHS Solutions Interactives
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