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[vdr] Re: mplayer plugin does not(still)work!

Also sprach Leonardo Borelli zu "11.03.2004 12:08" Anno Domini:
I have compiled MPlayer with dvb option. I don't remember how to specify plugin option within the VDR start command line. I try

VDR -P "mplayer -M /video/plugins" -d (/video/plugins is the dir where my is located). Is it right?
You have to specify the _script-name_ _with_ its _full_ _path_ . The way you did it above, whould lead to having mplayer-plugin trying to start the "directory". :-)

Alternativly, you can put and in a directory mentioned in your "PATH" environment variable, e.g. /usr/bin/. This way, the mplayer-plugin would find it without explicitly specifying its location!

By the way: in a earlier mail, you stated to have mplayer version _0.92_ installed. This is a quiet old version! I'm not sure, if Juri's can handle such a old version properly at least you will miss some features only available with newer versions of mplayer!

Patrick Cernko | |
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