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[vdr] Re: wap2vdr

Lars Fredriksson schrieb:

I did just install the wap2vdr package and got it working, but now I'm
curiuous about what I can do with it, I would like to be able create a
timer, but I can't :-)
Under "Schedule" I only get a "Main"-button, and under "Timer" i only se ":
:" and a "Main-button

Is sthat correct?

Inserting a new timer under 'Timers' isn't implemented yet, but editing of existing timers. Creating a new timer works under the 'Schedule' menu: If you select an entry, you'll get an 'Edit Schedule' card with a 'Record' button. Selecting that will create a new timer and lead you into the timer menu.

The 'Main' button will bring you back to the main menu ;-) In deeper levels there's also another button ('Schedule','Channels',...) which brings you back one step in hierarchie.


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