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[vdr] Re: TVTV documentation? Plugin improvements?

Bernd Juraschek wrote:
> Hi,
>> There are also other features which aren't implemented in the
>> current plugin but might be useful. If you e.g. mark a program for
>> recording in TVTV, and later unmark it, TVTV will send a "delete"
>> message to the client (which in this case ignores it).
> I've created a patch for this. See
> The implementation uses a special text in the timer description to
> identify timers created by the tvtv plugin . So I can remove timers no
> longer in the xml file received from tvtv.
> I don't know the xml format. Are informations about deleted timers
> included?

AFAIK yes. I don't have any official documentation though... so I don't know
what the criteria for sending delete messages by TVTV are.

Not that I find the delete feature crucial - it might be, if you're far away
from yiur VDR, and your disk is alost full, and you mark recordings by
mistake in TVTV and you can't delete them ;.) I think the time zone handling
and channel mapping are more important...

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