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[vdr] Re: Conflicting remote signals

On Sun, 2004-03-14 at 05:44, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a Loewe TV and I observed that the remote control seems to
> use vor volume adjustment the very same signal like the remote
> control of my Hauppauge card.  Is there any possibility to change
> the settings of one of them to get full control at any time.

I have a Hauppauge Nova-T remote , I'm not sure if your remote uses the
same driver but the Nova-T remote uses RC5 IR encoding. It sounds like
your Loewe also uses RC5. Normally this is not a problem as the
different remotes have different device numbers.  However the Nova-T
appears to strip the bits which code for the device number so any RC5
Remote will look the same to the Nova-T driver (You could probably find
other Loewe buttons that VDR will also listen to).  It was a while since
I read the source, however my memory is that it is the driver stripping
the device id not the hardware so this problem is probably fixable by
appropriately patching the driver.


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