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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] vdradmin-0.95 for vdr-1.3

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Dennis Noordsij wrote:

>> I'd say that you need to ask the channel providers, not the VDRAdmin
>> folks. At the same time you could ask them to start providing proper EPG
>> info, ie use the title, subtitle and description fields. VDRAdmin worked
>> well even when event id:s were not used at all, as the times for programs
>> rarely change.
>Well, my point is that with event ids off, vdradmin will schedule the same
>show over and over and over, even though the times for all those timers are
>identical. (Isn't the idea that those times are checked to see if the program
>is already timed?).

Are you sure you aren't using event ids after all? I got that exact same
behaviour when I used event ids on those same channels as the event ids
tended to somehow change after to program had started, causing VDRAdmin to
think it was another program. Excluding those channels from the channels
that could use event ids solved the problem (at least on VDR 1.2), I
haven't used VDRAdmin yet on 1.3.

Do you really have something like this in vdradmin.conf:


6 and 7 are the problematic channels (MTV3 and SubTV).

>> Btw, I see you are from Movial, I was visiting your office a few days ago
>> for a meeting. :)
>Yes I saw your name show up in the office and thought I remembered it from
>somewhere :-) Say hi next time!

Heh, I will. Seems we'll be having weekly meetings with some of your work


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                                            -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

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