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[vdr] Re: Feature Request: Simpler DiSEqC config, Was: DiSEqCfor Dummies

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On Astra many transponders contain references to other transponders, so
if you have one initial transponder chances are VDR will find other
transponders, too. On Hotbird it looks like they don't have these
references, so you need to define at least one channel for any given
transponder to make VDR automatically find all the other channels on
that transponder.

Later VDR will automatically scan the TP frequencies, but that's not
a priority at the moment.
I may be wrong, but whilst the contents of each transponder may change frequently, it is rare for the basic parameters (frequency, polarity and symbol rate) to change.

VDR could be distributed with transponder lists for the main satellites, and these can be used as the starting point for channel scans. All the user needs to do is tell VDR which satellites it is connected to (but VDR could even attempt to detect that if it was being clever - the satellite_delivery_system descriptor in the NIT includes the "orbital position").



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