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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] AutoCutter 0.1.1


what is new in 0.1.1 :

NoAD 4.0 now knows new command line Options. Therefore I thought I would be nice if you could specify per Channel or Recording (name) what NoAD program and Options should be used. f.ex. that Stargate should be run with --overlap and --jumplogo or RTL should use Noad 3.2a.

It is now also Possible to configure that a Channel or Recording (name) should _not_ be NoAd Scanned.  

And I fixed a couple of small Bugs.

Download :

If you don't know what AutoCutter is :

The idea is that after each recording NoAd is automatically run to find the Commercial Breaks. After sighting/correcting the Marks you can start cutting a whole buch of recordings with one command. You can also automatically add the cutted recordings to a queue for burning them to DVD.

Christian Jacobsen

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