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[vdr] Re: OSD redesign in VDR 1.3.x

Klaus Schmidinger <> wrote:

> Clemens Kirchgatterer wrote:

> > i think, i just used it because it was there. go ahead and remove
> > it.
> Back then I implemented these things because the FF-DVB cards' OSD
> could do them. But in hindsight I guess I should never have
> implemented things that closely based on the AV7110's OSD features.
> What I'm doing now is an attempt to make things more hardware
> independent, while still allowing the "old" hardware to be used as
> good as possible.

while we are on it: a few weeks ago i experimented with a simple sprite
engine based on RawOsd and per pixel writes to it. i tried to emulate
old fashioned hardware sprites and this is getting close to impossible
to do with good performance as sprites can cross and overlap
independently. on the other hand with the OSDs multiple window support
it should be rather easy. each sprite could have its own window and i
would not need to think about background saving, stacking and
refreshing. maybe you could still provide a way to open multiple windows
in the new osd implementation?

thx ...

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